WARNING: Texting scams are on the rise!

Scammers have started utilizing text messages more often in their quest for your money. A new report from cybersecurity firm Digital Shadows finds that over the past few months, cybercriminals have launched a large-scale “smishing” (SMS based phishing) campaign.

They say the scammers masqueraded as major brands, including Amazon, USPS, FexEx, Cash App, and Netflix, as well adult entertainment services, unnamed delivery services and payment card or financial services. The texts primarily originated from spoofed U.S. numbers. The most popular scam was a text claiming the victim has an urgent notification about a USPS package.

The goal of the hackers is to get any information about you, including your full name, email addresses, current location or physical address. If in doubt about a text you should not click any links within it— just delete it.

