Americans say THIS is what has to be on the perfect burger…

Illinois is one of a handful of states that has the most burger pride in its state’s own burger.  So, that’s a sandwich you CANNOT mess up!

SWNS polled people in all 50 states to find out what the “perfect” burger looks like.  Let’s start toppings: American’s loved the following burger toppings in in this order:  Cheese, bacon, lettuce, raw onions, and tomatoes in fifth place.  There were no mention of pickles… I say those belong on a chicken sandwich!

When it comes to cheese, Americans want American cheese on their burger… makes sense right?  46% also said their perfect burger would need to have ketchup while 43% said the same about mayo.  Rightfully so: fewer people like mustard.

And for most, the bun has to have sesame-seeds on it.

How about sides?  That should be a no-brainer: most said that perfect burger comes with some really good fries!  And now, I’m craving a burger with fries!!
