Mornings with Dave and Kim

Weekdays, 5 - 10am

Studio Line: (312) 922-9470

Here’s why you shouldn’t lick those tiny Nintendo Switch video game cartridges…

If you haven’t bought a new Nintendo gaming system in a while, you may not be up to speed on what’s going on with their newest video gaming counsel…

The newest incarnation of Nintendo hardware is the Nintendo Switch, which debuted in 2017. It is Nintendo’s first portable/home counsel, allowing players to play video games on their televisions or in their hands while on the go.

Another notable difference was that this counsel went back to cartridges for their video games, something that hasn’t been a standard since the Nintendo 64 which was first released in 1996. To allow for portability, the new cartridges for the Nintendo Switch are tiny: slightly bigger than a standard SD Memory Card. And kids like putting small objects in their mouths… hence this feature we are talking about today.

Nintendo Switch video game cartridges taste AWFUL!! This was an intentional design feature meant to deter children from putting their gaming cartridges in their mouths. And because people are people, this feature was quickly discovered… and sort of had the opposite effect.

People started licking those Nintendo Switch cartridges BECAUSE they tasted bad. A popular video trend was the Nintendo Switch cartridge tasting challenge, where people licked their video games to see how bad it really was.

Tasters described the flavor as very bitter and sour, some describing it as the taste of a battery. So the long story/short is that Nintendo Switch gaming cartridges taste BAD so you won’t stick them in your mouth. Please don’t go out and try this now…
