Tag Archives: Game of Thrones Drinking Game

It’s official…the Game of Thrones prequel is happening and my favorite drinking game will live on!

The final season of Game of Thrones will start in April and that gives me just enough time to figure out how to manage my heartbreak…

I’m thinking ice cream, French Fries and a week-long unshowered look in yoga clothes ought to do it.

But for those of us who feel like this is the end of a very beautiful relationship, comes the promise of a prequel. Think of it as the younger brother of the hot guy who ghosted you after your final date.

I would not have thought it possible but the GoTs prequel sounds like even more of a downer than the original. As the Hollywood Reporter puts it… “the project chronicles the world’s descent from the golden Age of Heroes into its darkest hour.”

Time to dust off that Game of Thrones Drinking Game

Drink every time…

Someone says “winter is coming”

Someone is naked

Someone dies in a messy, disgusting way

And you will be drunk in the first 20 minutes. That’s the beauty of Game of Thrones.

Now prepare yourself for the longest breakup in history…