Brian Peck


If you have Thanksgiving leftovers in your fridge, TOSS THEM, THEY’RE BAD ALREADY

Hopefully you ate your fill of turkey on Thanksgiving, because any leftovers you have in your fridge now are already bad. That’s according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which says outbreaks of bacteria that cause food poisoning occur most often in November and December, and many have been linked to holiday foods like turkey and roast beef.

To prevent growing this bacteria on your food, put away leftovers quickly (don’t leave them at room temperature for more than two hours), store your food in airtight containers, and then only eat the refrigerated food for the next three to four days. When reheating leftovers be sure to get them up to 165 degrees Fahrenheit to kill any nasty bugs.  Or better yet: toss your old leftovers!!

