Brian Peck


DiGiorno will give away free pizzas during the Super Bowl if the score is ever 3-14

3-14 is a very oddly specific score ratio; unless you take into consideration that they make up the first 3 numbers in Pi…

Let me explain, DiGiorno will be giving away coupons for a free pizza on National Pi Day (March 14th).  BUT, you can only get these coupons if you’re watching the Super Bowl and at any point in the game, one team has 3 points and the other has 14.  At that moment, you will want to head to DiGiorno’s Twitter account, because they will tweet a link that allows you to get your free pizza.  BUT-BUT, you only have until the score changes to get it, so you’ll have to act fast.  Hopefully they go into a long commercial break!

