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New drink illegal in Indiana now selling in Illinois

A drink that claims to be a euphoric seltzer.

It’s called New Brew, and it is banned in Indiana, but selling in Illinois.

The website says it’s the first non-alcoholic beverage with affects you can feel. It does this with two plants, kava and kratom, that interact with receptors in your brain.

Yet, the company warns that the product is addictive and should not be consumed every day.

The drink is illegal in Indiana because of one of the ingredients.

Indiana State Police say, no matter the drink, you should know and understand what you are putting in your body.

“The most important thing is, as a consumer, you need to know and understand anything that you put in your body. Number one, what are you taking and what are the effects of that is going to be on your body. We all know what’s going to happen when we drink water, however if you consume too much alcohol, or you are consuming this type of drink that’s going to make you become addicted to it, is that something that you want to be in your body on a regular basis.” -Sgt. Matt Ames – Public Information Officer – Indiana State Police

ISP also reminds people that driving under the influence of anything that impairs your motor skills is cause for arrest.