Tag Archives: Construction

Logan Square traffic circle getting a $27 million remodel

On Wednesday, Alderman Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35th Ward) joined Mayor Brandon Johnson to break ground on a $27 million project that will transform the Logan Square and Avondale area.

Milwaukee Avenue will be reconstructed from Logan Square to Belmont, but will no longer “dissect” Logan Square. Instead, the square will be closed off to create “a true roundabout.” Kedzie Avenue will be re-routed.

A new public plaza known as “La Placita” will be created at Kedzie and Milwaukee to celebrate Latin American culture. Traffic safety will be dramatically improved by seizing space from cars and giving it to pedestrians and cyclists.

Transportation Commissioner Tom Carney hailed the long-awaited project for the “safer, more accessible and inviting corridor” it will create with “new and vibrant community public spaces.” The reconfiguration of Logan Square will deliver “a more cohesive and connected” public space surrounded by “protected off-street bicycle paths.”

Carney then ticked off the other benefits of a project expected to be complete by the summer of 2026:

“The creation of a ‘La Placita,’ a new plaza that will be located where we are standing today next to the Logan Square Blue Line station. Wider sidewalks and curb extensions to create more space for outdoor dining and local restaurants. Raised crosswalks and curb extensions and pedestrian refuge islands to enhance pedestrian safety and encourage safer driving speeds. Modernized traffic signals to improve traffic flow and safety as well as new streetlights and parkway trees.”

Although the playing field will be tilted in favor of pedestrians and cyclists, Mayor Johnson said he’s confident the $27 million project will ultimately improve safety for “all road users,” calling it “a model for how the city of Chicago will continue to develop and modernize.”