Tag Archives: Skilling It

Tom Skilling unveils city’s newest snowplow, “Skilling It”

On his big day, Tom Skilling was on hand for the unveiling of the city’s snowplow contest winners — including “Skilling It.”

The Department of Streets and Sanitation announced earlier this month that “Skilling It” received the most votes in their second-annual “You Can Name a Snowplow” contest.

An unveiling of the following snowplows took place Thursday afternoon with Tom on hand.

The six winners were selected from 50 finalists.

  • Skilling It
  • Casimir Plowaski
  • Ernie Snowbanks
  • Mies van der Snow
  • Bad, Bad Leroy Plow

Skilling appeared in the passenger seat of “Skilling It” as it was driven out of the garage.

He complimented the job the department does handling the snow during some brief remarks.

Skilling was also honored with a beer in his name earlier this week.

WGN Morning News celebrated Tom Thursday morning with a sold out show at the Music Box Theatre.

Skilling’s last day on air is Feb. 28.